A dynamic forum focused on the experience of childhood and the process of learning

“A community of women and men demonstrates its own civility and maturity…by knowing how to listen to, be responsive to, and share in the culture of childhood respectfully and joyfully. The culture of childhood is courageous, optimistic, and cheerful; it embodies endless amazements and enchantments, protracted time frames, and fearless theoretical and concrete explorations…All these characteristics enrich the entire community.”

-Vea Vecchi

Possibilities Abound

Reggio-inspired educators understand that there are “a hundred languages” through which people learn and express their knowledge and emotions. Speaking, painting, drawing, building, sculpting, acting, singing, moving, dancing, writing, inventing and playing music are only a few of the many “languages” we make available to children (and adults). The learning environment provides a wealth of materials and invites a multitude of responses. Educators value the variety of ways children respond to the world around them. They see children as possessing multiple intelligences and competencies, and they invite them to share all their ways of knowing.

The Reggio approach offers a vision of learning that can transform teachers, parents, children, schools and communities. This vision provokes dialogue, exchange, and collaboration – dispositions that are fundamental to democratic thought and civic participation. It is a way of seeing that crosses the boundaries of traditional disciplines and makes visible the connections that exist between people engaged in learning of all kinds: young and old, in cities and rural areas, in schools and political institutions, child care centers, universities and social service agencies. By focusing on authentic learning processes, the Reggio approach empowers people to tap into their own resourcefulness and competencies, to collaborate with others and to explore new ideas with joy. This opens up unlimited possibilities for learning.

All content and articles may be used for educational purposes with proper citation (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License).

Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit located at 525 Pelham Blvd. N., Saint Paul, MN 55104 

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