Zoom Book Study
Open Book Study via Zoom
Third Sunday of the month from 3:00pm-4:30pm Central Time
Each meeting we form a flexible learning group without a fixed destination, with the intention of cultivating a context for uncertainty, diversity and complexity. We read slowly, never more than one chapter per month. (Sometimes we repeat a chapter, if we don’t feel finished with it.) Together we strengthen the disposition for close reading, careful listening and thoughtful conversation.
We are beginning a new book: A Festive Thought, published by Reggio Children, which can be accessed here which focuses on visual metaphor.

“Creative thinking and knowledge are the first line of defense for freedom and equality, and therefore primary objectives that schools should be pursuing and diffusing.”
Reggio Children
Join us on Zoom, all are welcome!
Please register for your individual ZOOM Link in advance of this meeting by following this link:Zoom Registration
Participate when you can, there is no charge.
Questions? Contact reggioinspiredmn@gmail.com for more information.