A dynamic forum focused on the experience of childhood and the process of learning

Zoom Book Study

  • 19 Jul 2020
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Zoom Meetings
  • 0


Registration is closed

Book Study

July 19 2020

We are continuing to read the Wonder of Learning, a visual catalogue of the traveling exhibit which many of us recently visited; it is also a collection of essays and documentation of the work of both children and adults from ReggioChildren. We will be continuing with "Enchantment of Writing" Pg 98. no need to "catch up" just start there and join us for the discussion!  

There is no fee - ALL ARE WELCOME - Join us!

In order to promote meaningful exchange in the Zoom environment, we will have an attendance limit and maintain a waiting list. Due to this limited space, if, after registering, you find yourself unable to attend, please let us know so that we can offer the spot to someone else on the waiting list.

July Zoom meeting info will be sent in a follow up email after you are registered.

All content and articles may be used for educational purposes with proper citation (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License).

Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit located at 525 Pelham Blvd. N., Saint Paul, MN 55104 

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