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The Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota 9th Annual Conference
Enter Encounter Engage: An Inquiry into How Children Think with Their Bodies, with Tom Bedard
Keynote: Sensory Experiences and the Development of the Whole Child
Featuring Tom Bedard
More info on Tom Bedard: http://tomsensori.blogspot.com/
*This session is Develop Approved for 2 hours of training for those attending the live session
Children need to move their bodies. With the aid of documentation, we will reflect on how children use their bodies to explore materials and homemade constructions in the sensory table. How do we make sense of their planned, random and spontaneous movements? We will try to understand the conditions, implicit and explicit, that galvanize children to trust their bodies to make sense of their world. We will also begin to create a vocabulary of their actions/operations that sheds new light on how those actions/operations foster development in all domains: physical, social/emotional and cognitive. An overarching question will be: What are possible implications for the children using their bodies as thinking tools beyond the sensory table?
Location: ZOOM
Cost: $30 early bird registration by 9/19/2020$35 after 9/19/2020includes Develop approved CEUs certificate
Educational Project of Reggio-Emilia
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Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit located at 525 Pelham Blvd. N., Saint Paul, MN 55104