A dynamic forum focused on the experience of childhood and the process of learning

Book Study - Free

  • 18 Dec 2016
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (CST)
  • Open Book, 1011 Washington Ave. S

You don't need to register for this event and it is free to participate.

This is an ongoing book study and is always open to interested participants. The group meets one Sunday afternoon (3:00 – 4:30) each month (usually the 3rd Sunday) at Open Book on Washington Ave. in Minneapolis. 

You can usually find us under the stairs. If the cafe is crowded, we sometimes meet in a room upstairs. All are welcome.

Contact Patti Loftus for more information (pattiroseloftus@gmail.com). 

The current book is Art and Creativity in Reggio Emilia, by Vea Vecchi

ISBN-13: 978-0415468787

- ISBN-10: 0415468787  

It is also available as a used book at about $30. 

Vea Vecchi was among the original atelieristas of the Reggio schools. She writes:

"Poetic thought does not separate the imaginative from the cognitive, emotion from the rational, empathy from deep investigation.  It lights up all the senses and perceptions and cultivates an intense relationship with what is all around us.  It constructs thoughts that are not conformist.  And this creates two important elements: solidarity and participation, both of which are the foundation of democracy."

Literature from Reggio Emilia and about Reggio Emilia is rich and complex. Shared reading and reflection deepen understanding. Book studies provide an opportunity for small groups to meet over time to discuss texts from and about Reggio.

Anyone can start and publicize a Book Study. Identify a Reggio-related book and a few colleagues who would like to join you. We’ll post information about your Book Study on this site and add it to our Events.  Four weeks notice is requested for posting. Contact pattiroseloftus@gmail.com.

All content and articles may be used for educational purposes with proper citation (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License).

Reggio-Inspired Network of Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit located at 525 Pelham Blvd. N., Saint Paul, MN 55104 

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